Dear EPICUReans, Dear Colleagues,
Great News – EPICradle Applications are NOW Open! From March 15 to April 15, 2022, groups of up to 5 Early Career Researchers (ECRs) – PhDs through Juniorprofessors – have the chance to apply for the first EPICradle, taking place during a three-month period between June and September 2022.
EPICradles are an opportunity for ECRs from EPICUR partner universities:
- to acquire new research skills and competences, especially in the area of interdisciplinary & transdisciplinary collaboration in a European context,
- to gain information on funding schemes,
- to connect to ECRs and to develop collaborative projects.
As such EPICradles function as ‘incubators’ for innovative research led by ECRs. Overall, the main objective is to produce challenge-based projects beneficial to society, addressing such broad topics as Sustainability, Mobility/Migration/Identity, and Public Health. Known as EPIChallenges, these topics are meant to engage researchers in the broader responses to global questions about the future of humanity. During the EPICradles, ECRs will have ample opportunities to engage with senior scholars, administrators and experts from our partner universities, our regional communities, and other stakeholders to develop their projects. They will receive individual stipends up to 3.000€ for the three months hybrid fellowship.

An EPICradle is a unique opportunity for Early Career Researchers to receive funding and institutional support while developing new, interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary, challenge-based projects that are beneficial to society. In addressing such broad themes as sustainability, mobility/migration/identity, and public health, known as the EPIChallenges.
EPICradle noun
E.PI.Cra.dle I \ ˈe-pi-ˌ krā-dᵊl \
= the combination of EPICUR and cradle
= the framework and support structure to make great ideas grow
Information on the application and selection process, all the necessary forms and the link to the official application portal can be found on the website: https://epicur.education/research/research-activities/epicradles/.
We are also happy to answer questions about the program via epicur-research@mail.uni-freiburg.de.