The European Partnership for Innovation in Distant Internships project (EPIDI) focuses on university distance internships, with an emphasis on identifying best practices, general and more specific recommendations, as well as developing e-learning modules on how to conduct a successful distance internship for all targets involved: students, teachers, employers and university administrative staff.
The partner universities, under the leadership of Adam Mickiewicz University produced a Best Practice Guide on “How to successfully carry out a distance internship”, based on a Europe-wide survey of the four target groups to identify those who have had experience of this internship format. These groups were then interviewed to collect tips and tricks, identify common obstacles and challenges they encountered, and the solutions they implemented.
Recommendations, tips and tricks, obstacles and challenges but also advantages of remote formats they experienced and the solutions they implemented were identified and collected.
We are delighted to announce that our Best Practice Guide has been released!
The University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA), the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (AMU) and the Karlsruher Institute für Technologie (KIT) worked in close partnership to make the BPG as attractive as possible, both in its layout and in its content. We wished to produce a document that will be complete and above all useful to the various target groups of our project.
You can access the guide in its downloadable versions on our website, and communicate the following links to your co-workers and students:
English BPG: https://epidi.unistra.fr/en/best-practice-guide
Polish BPG: https://epidi.unistra.fr/pl/przewodnik-dobrych-praktyk
French BPG: https://epidi.unistra.fr/guide-des-bonnes-pratiques
German BPG: https://epidi.unistra.fr/de/best-practice-guide
We hope this guide proves useful to every single one of you, and we are eager to hear about your impressions on this long awaited production.
We would be grateful if you could communicate our questionnaire as well to those you think would be willing to give us their feedback on the content and layout of the guide, as well as on the overall relevance of our project.
This pole is available in the four languages of our project partners following the next links:
We have developed this questionnaire in order to gather feedback on our work from the different target groups and readers of our guide.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or additional information by writing to us at the following address: epidi-eu@unistra.fr
You can also follow us on social media:
Thanking you in advance for your participation in our beautiful project.
Best regards,
The EPIDI Team
Funda Kerbriand Vignon
Chargée du projet européen EPIDI
Université de Strasbourg
Tel : +33 (0)3 68 85 66 85